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You're viewing Cabela's 4X4 Offroad Adventure 3 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Cabela's 4X4 Offroad Adventure 3
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-12-13 22:02:24
Views : 27670

Cheat mode:
Start the game with the launcher.exe -cheats command line:

Result - Code:

All accessories - BuyAllAccs
Stamina - CheatUseStamina
Toggle God mode - GodModeCora (0 or 1)
Get indicated amount of money - GiveMoney (number)
Toggle no clipping - NoClipCora (0 or 1)
Repair vehicle; used while playing - CheatRepairAllCarPart

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Cabela's 4X4 Offroad Adventure 3 Cheat Codes at Game Score

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